
UTHSCSA School of Nursing Tribute

Philanthropist Karen and Ronald Herrmann photographed in their beautiful home in Olmos Park for the University of Texas Health Science Center Nursing School Tribute magazine. As the photographer for the UTHSC, one of my duties is to take branding and marketing photos that represent the mission of the school

Philanthropist Karen and Ronald Herrmann photographed in their beautiful home in Olmos Park for the University of Texas Health Science Center Nursing School Tribute magazine.  Click here for the magazine.  As the photographer for the UTHSC, my job is to take photographs that represent and support the school.  I photograph a wide variety of subjects and scenarios on a weekly basis. Money is tight, so it’s important to have a plan in advance and work as efficiently as possible. For this photograph, i used one light off center. Images were wi-fi’d to an iPad that the editor was holding. I prefer to work with the client to create great images, but there are also times when I work alone.




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